Read the latest Fresh Start
Our Parish Reps act as a point of contact within a parish community, working with us to raise awareness of what life is like for people affected by the criminal justice system. If you are fairly settled in your local parish and know your priest, then we would love to have you join our friendly parish rep network.
As a Pact Parish Rep, we will keep in touch with you, supporting you to:
Our Faith in Action team will provide you with an introduction to Pact and our work, plus invitations to regular online gatherings, and all the resources you need to keep prisoners and their families in parishioners’ thoughts and prayers.
You can download a full role description below.
You can apply online using the link below or find out more by contacting parish.action@prisonadvice.org.uk.
No-one can face life in isolation…We need a community that supports and helps us.
Fratelli Tutti 8