1,500 Voices: What it's like to support your loved one in prison with health issues
Our flagship report describing families' experiences of supporting their loved ones in prison with health issues, based on over 1,500 interviews.
If you have a loved one in a London or South East prison with health problems, we want to hear from you.
Pact is delivering an innovative programme with the NHS offering families the chance to shape how prison healthcare services are delivered and developed. The service aims to improve healthcare in prisons by giving families a more proactive role in the care of their loved ones in custody.
We support families and loved ones to share their experiences of prison healthcare – and help prisons and healthcare providers to listen to them. We talk to decision-makers about how systems could be improved so that prison healthcare is better for everyone.
Available at HMP Aylesbury, HMP Belmarsh, HMP Brixton, HMP Downview, HMP Elmley, HMP Huntercombe, HMP YOI Isis, HMP YOI Feltham, HMP Pentonville, HMP Thameside, HMP Wandsworth, HMP Wormwood Scrubs
*You can read our privacy notice at www.prisonadvice.org.uk/privacy.
If you have an urgent or life-threatening concern about the health and wellbeing of your loved one, please get in touch with the prison directly. Contact details in the event of an emergency are available on the Prisoners' Families Helpline website.
Families and carers tell us that they often feel locked out of decisions around their loved one’s care in prison and that their fears and concerns are ignored. Not only does this adversely affect prisoners’ health and wellbeing, but it also causes unnecessary stress and anxiety to family members. The situation is placing additional pressure on an already overwhelmed NHS.
Starting in London, the Listen to Families programme aims to create mechanisms and opportunities for families’ voices to be heard and to influence how prison healthcare is delivered and developed.
Listen to Families aims to:
If you have a loved one in prison in London or the South-East, you are welcome to join us at our Listen to Families Coffee Morning. Each session is a safe, non-judgemental space and a great opportunity to meet others who know what it's like. Our friendly and professional team will be there to help out, and coffee and breakfast are on us!
If you would like to come along, please email listentofamilies@prisonadvice.org.uk for more information.
1,500 Voices: What it's like to support your loved one in prison with health issues
Our flagship report describing families' experiences of supporting their loved ones in prison with health issues, based on over 1,500 interviews.
Listening Report Autumn 2024: Dental and oral healthcare
Listening Report Q2 24/25: Families' experiences of dental and oral healthcare in prison
Independent Evaluation of Listen to Families London
An independent evaluation of the Listen to Families London service, June 2024
Listening Report Summer 2024
Listening Report Q1 24-25: Healthcare in Prison - How to Support Your Loved One
The Family and Carers' Charter for Health and Justice
A set of commitments made by NHS London, healthcare providers in London prisons.
Listening Report Spring 2024
Listening Report Q4 2023/24: The opportunity of the Family and Carers' Charter for Health and Justice
Families' rights and legal tools
A review of the rights of families and legal tools available to those supporting their loved ones with health needs in prison
How we work
How we work with the NHS and healthcare providers as we prepare our reports
Listening Report Winter 2023-24
Winter Listening Report 2023-24: Building trust and transparency
Summer 2023 Annex
A summary of semi-structured interviews with families and carers in London prison visiting centres
Summer update to families
Summer update to families - June 2023
Listening Report Spring 2023
Listening Report May 2023
Support and information when a loved one passes away in custody
A leaflet with support and information for bereaved families whose loved one has passed away in custody.