What is FLiP?
The Family Literacy in Prisons (FLiP) course supports parents to play a more active role in developing their children’s literacy using simple, everyday practices. The course was developed in collaboration with Professor Cathy Nutbrown, the UK’s leading academic expert on family learning from the University of Sheffield. We hold the exclusive UK license to deliver FLiP in the justice sector.
By the end of the course, participants will have:
- stronger bonds with their children;
- a better understanding of the importance of literacy and children’s early development;
- and improved confidence in parenting skills.
How it works
FLiP is a prison-based course run by Pact facilitators trained by the University of Sheffield. It is typically structured around a one-day workshop followed by a child-centred visit.
During the workshop, we introduce parents to the Opportunities, Recognition, Interaction and Modelling (ORIM) framework, explain the stages of children’s literacy development and discuss the importance of parents' role in children’s learning. Parents choose a book to gift to their child and discuss the activities planned for the visit.
At the child-centred visit that follows, parents can put into practice the skills they have learned and engage in fun educational activities with their children, including:
- Drawing and painting
- Puppet and mask-making
- A quiz
- Storytelling
- Writing a story together