"Remember those in prison as though you were bound with them."
Hebrews 13:3
Since 1898, Pact has sought to bring hope and light to people in prison. Now, we need your support to continue to offer people the promise of a fresh start for years to come.
Every year, thousands of people in prison receive our help because our supporters have chosen to include a gift in their will to Pact. After taking care of their own loved ones, they have chosen to remember prisoners and their families.
When we look back at our lives, we think about the things that matter most to us; our faith, our family and friends, and our community. You may have been in prison or cared for someone in prison. Whatever your connection, you can make a difference. By leaving a gift in your will to Pact, you’ll help people navigate the complexities of the criminal justice system, often during some of the most difficult days of their lives.
For more information about leaving a gift in your will to Pact, read Pact's Legacy leaflet.
Pact is proud to be a member of Your Catholic Legacy - a group of charities working together to protect the future of Catholic good causes by spreading the word about legacy gifts in Wills. You can access helpful information and resources via their website, including a free will writing guide.
You can also find details of local will writers through the Law Society and more information about the will-writing process.
I support Pact’s purpose caring for prisoners and their loved ones at a particularly stressful part of their life journey. A legacy gift to Pact becomes a final way of reflecting the values and beliefs that made you unique.
Margaret - Legacy donor