Family and relationships have the single biggest impact on reoffending. People in prison who maintain and strengthen family bonds are 39% less likely to commit further crimes.
We all want to live in a safer society. Everyone wants to see crime rates drop and to feel safer on our streets and in our homes. Supporting people to make a fresh start builds stronger families and it also builds stronger communities.
People being released from prison need three things to succeed: somewhere to live, something to do, and someone to love.
By supporting Pact, you not only are directly affecting the lives of prisoners, their children and families, you are also helping to build a safer and brighter future for everyone.
We believe in the innate dignity of all people, and that everyone should be treated with respect and kindness.
At Pact we believe that everyone is capable of making a fresh start and, given the opportunity and the right support, we see this happen time and again. Prisoners who are able to develop, maintain and deepen their relationships with their families are 39% less likely to go on to commit crime again after release.
Pact has been working with prisoners and their families and in the wider community for over 120 years. We don’t assume a one-size-fits-all policy for supporting men and women in prison. Our staff and volunteers take the time to get to know people, their individual circumstances and domestic situations and then offer support and encouragement where it’s needed.
It is estimated that:
Imprisonment of a parent is not an automatic trigger for social care for the children affected. Yet losing a mum or dad to prison can have devastating consequences for individual children and for our wider communities. And witnessing the arrest of a parent can traumatise a child.