Inspectorate Of Prisons Report ‘Paints A Damning Picture’



Prisons Inspectorate Report ‘paints a damning picture’

In response to the publication of the Prisons Inspectorate Annual Report, Pact CEO Andy Keen-Downs said:

“This report paints a damning picture of a system in crisis. It is a crisis that is decades in the making – prisons and probation have endured years of funding cuts at a time when we have locked up more and more people for longer and longer.

“Particularly alarming are the Chief Inspector’s concerns about the lack of rehabilitation. We would urge the Government to ‘think family’. Strong family relationships don’t just support everyone through a prison sentence; they are the most significant factor in helping people to make a fresh start on release. People who stay in touch with family during their sentence are 39% less likely to reoffend. And yet today’s report clearly shows that there is not enough focus on supporting family relationships.

“The system is also continuing to fail those with severe mental ill health. Fewer than 15% of those requiring a secure hospital place are transferred within 28 days. A prison cell is the worst possible place for those who are ill already, and delays in care can cause irreversible harm. We welcome the government’s decision to end using prisons as ‘places of safety’. But there remains an urgent need for courts to consider effective assessment and diversion for those charged with offences to ensure prison is only used as a last resort.”

“The new Government has brought a sense of hope and optimism. Ministers are acting swiftly and decisively to deal with the immediate capacity crisis in prisons, taking the difficult decisions that the previous administration ducked. The appointment of James Timpson as Prisons Minister has been widely welcomed.

“Many people working in our prisons are nothing short of heroic. Where prisons do succeed it is because of these hidden heroes who go above and beyond, despite the conditions in which they work and the challenges they face.

“We recognise that families may be worried reading this report. If you are concerned about a loved one in prison or awaiting sentencing, know that Pact is here seven days a week for support and advice. You can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 or go to to access information about prison life and supporting your loved one inside.”

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