Women Flip The Script This Mother's Day



Women flip the script this Mother's Day

Today, on Mother's Day, we're proud to have launched a brand new podcast to support mothers with experience of the criminal justice system.

Women Flip the Script is a five-part series that offers a unique insight into women’s experiences after prison. Co-created with mothers who have been affected by imprisonment, and charities Women in Prison and Advance, each episode provides a realistic and honest attempt to deal with a specific challenge faced by mothers as they return home to their families and communities - including mental health, housing and finance.

Sarah*, a mother-of-one who features in the podcast says, “Women Flip the Script is different because it’s women speaking straight to other women. We recorded everything on our phones so we’ve captured real talk – no script and no rehearsals. It shows that no matter who you are or what you’ve done there’s someone who understands - and we can help each other get through.”

Tina Parker, Director of Services at Pact, says, “We’re proud to launch this exciting new podcast which allows women to hear directly from each other, at any time and wherever they are. The episodes are packed full of hope, laughter and practical suggestions to help women feel more empowered and less alone.”

Women Flip the Script is part of a suite of resources that we offer to support mothers in prison, their children and those who are caring for children on the outside. Others include:

  • Mum’s the Word which is an easy-to read, practical book for mothers in prison. It’s packed full of hope, encouragement and ideas on how to maintain and strengthen the important bond between mothers and their children.
  • Locked Out which is a workbook for children affected by parental imprisonment, and for those who work with them.

Find out more:

*Names have been changed.