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Prisoners’ Sunday is an opportunity to consider how we, as individuals, as a Church, and as communities, are serving our brothers and sisters affected by imprisonment.
Our prisons are in crisis. There are record numbers of people behind bars. Inspectors regularly report instances of vermin, violence, self-harm and people languishing in cells with nothing to do. At the same time, too many people are released with no home, no job, no family and no hope.
The ripple effects of this crisis are felt well beyond the prison walls. The lives of hundreds of thousands of families and children are affected as they, too, serve a hidden sentence. Having a mother, father, husband or wife in prison can have a devastating impact – more than half of families tell us they are struggling to afford the basics for themselves and their children.
This year, Prisoners' Sunday takes place on 13 October, but you can mark the occasion on a day that suits your parish calendar. Your support will help women and men in prison and their families to make a fresh start.
As the leading Catholic charity in prisons, we have been helping people in need for 125 years. We support prisoners, their families and their children, offering them hope and the chance to turn their lives around. Our work at Pact draws on the values of our faith: dignity, solidarity, subsidiarity. We believe that everyone can make a fresh start whatever they may have done.
Last year, our dedicated staff and volunteers supported 100,000 prison visits, took more than 40,000 calls on our helpline and helped over 300 people with emergency grants. Our work is a lifeline for many thousands of people struggling to stay afloat or to make a fresh start.
“I was in prison and you came to me”
In the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, Jesus makes it clear that a life worthy of the reward of Heaven must involve actively helping people in need – “I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”
We need your help now more than ever. You can:
Our Prisoners' Sunday Pack is posted to every parish in mid-September, or you can download it below. The pack includes a poster for your parish noticeboard, bidding prayers, and details of where to send financial contributions.
We hope Prisoners’ Sunday will inspire your parish to find out more about the work we do at Pact and how you can help.
Prisoners' Sunday - 13 October. We will remember prisoners and their families at Mass this weekend. There will be a speaker to share with us what life is like for prisoners and their families in our communities and about the work of Pact, the national Catholic prison charity. There will be a second collection to support Pact's important work in the year ahead.
God of mercy, you offer freedom to all people. We pray for those in prison and for their children and families. Break the bonds of fear and isolation that exist. May your love overcome struggle and heartache and bring new life.
Lord God, we commend to you all who work or volunteer in courts, prisons and communities. May they know your presence with them as they work and may their efforts inspire us to share your love ever more widely.
Look out for @PactFaithAction Facebook and Twitter posts and share them!
Prisoners’ Sunday marks the first day of the ecumenical Prisons Week, a dedicated week of prayer across our Christian communities.
Prisons Week was founded by Bishop Victor Guazzelli in 1975. Since then, the Prisons Week group has prepared resources to enable the Christian community to pray for the needs of all those affected by imprisonment.