Read the latest Fresh Start
"Ours were the wounds he was carrying, ours the sorrows he was bearing ... and we have been healed by his bruises" Isaiah 53:4
Pact has prepared this Stations of the Cross liturgy, which includes words from those who have lived experience of the criminal justice system. For example, former prisoners reflect on moments from their time in prison and their life afterwards. People who have walked alongside family members in prison speak about how that felt.
If you would like to request a physical copy of our Stations of the Cross illustrated booklet, please email: parish.action@prisonadvice.org.uk.
Former prisoners J and Lewis share their journeys in faith, from their time in the criminal justice system to life beyond the gates.
Pact CEO Andy Keen-Downs had the opportunity to greet Pope Francis at the Vatican as a representative of Pact. The Pope blessed a silver image of Mary Untier of Knots for those in prison in England and Wales.
We believe in the value of prayer and appreciate your efforts to bring the needs of prisoners and their families and all who walk alongside them before the Lord. Here are some prayers you can use.
Lord Jesus Christ,
You have come so that we may have life to the full,
Listen to our prayers for all in prison and their families,
Touched by your spirit,
May they find newness of heart and be open to that new life that is found only in you.
May they know care, and receive support from those around them.
May they find new purpose in serving you in their brothers and sisters.
Written for Pact by the Rt. Rev. Richard Moth, Liaison Bishop for Prisons, Catholic Bishops’ Conference in England and Wales
Lord Jesus you know what it is to be held captive. We pray for all those resident in prison and their families.
May they be aware of your presence with them and may your spirit bring them peace and the hope of new life in Jesus Christ.
May the walls of prison provide a secure place for them to discover both their need for you and that they are loved unconditionally by you.
We pray for all who work in prisons, keep them safe and help them to know and demonstrate your compassion and grace in their daily lives.
We pray for all victims of crime; may your spirit bring them healing and peace as they rebuild their lives.
Gracious God, whose love extends over all the Earth, across all time and for all people, hear our prayer.
Written for Pact by the Venerable Peter Leonard, formerly Anglican Archdeacon of the Isle of Wight